Saturday, March 27, 2010

10 Best Breakfast Foods to Lose Weight

If you’re dieting, then you know how hard it is to be hungry all day. Start the day right with the most important meal of the day — breakfast! But don’t blow your diet! Here’s the list of the ten best breakfast foods to help you lose weight…

1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is delicious and is loaded with vitamins that will keep you healthy and perk you up! It’s a great way to start the day, and half a grapefruit will keep you full for most of the morning, especially if you grab a handful of granola or a slice of toast to go with it!

2. Low-fat yogurt

There are dozens and dozens of tasty varieties of low-fat yogurt offered by Dannon and Yoplait (my fave!). Keep a few in the freezer for a frozen breakfast treat, or mix in some crunchy granola for more filling breakfast. Low-fat yogurts make a great breakfast because they’re portable and oh-so-yummy!

3. Whole-grain cereal

Whole grain cereals will make you feel fuller, longer, so if you start your day with a bowl, you’ll stay full until lunchtime. That means no diet-busting mid-morning donut snack! They key with whole grain cereals is to make sure it’s not loaded with sugar, and to stick to the suggested serving size. Measure if you have to!

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal will also help you feel full until lunchtime, but it has one advantage over cold whole-grain cereals, especially in these harsh Michigan winters — it’s hot. Top with berries and a touch of honey, and enjoy… again, though, be careful of serving sizes, and instant varieties that are loaded with sugars.

5. Banana

Who doesn’t love a fresh banana? They’re full of vitamins and potassium, and are very filling! They’re great on their own or sliced up on hot or cold whole grain cereal or even as a toast-topper! If you’re in a hurry, grab one and toss it into your backpack or handbag… they’re perfectly portable!

6. Meal replacement shake

This is an easy out. There are dozens of delicious, nutritious meal replacement shakes on the market. My favorite is SlimFast, but you can try all the different kinds until you find one you like in a flavor you love. Keep a case of these on hand for the mornings when you’re running late…

7. Berries

The perfect breakfast sweet treat! Berries are loaded with vitamins and anti-oxidants, and they taste great, too! Eat them by the handful, or use them as a topping for hold or cold whole grain cereal or with low-fat yogurt. Yum!

8. Granola

I love granola! Try some with a little low-fat milk as a cold cereal, heat it in the microwave for hot cereal, or toss it with some raisins in a baggie and eat it like trail mix! You can even mix it with for a little crunch in your low-fat yogurt… what a great way to start the day!

9. Thin whole grain toast

I love toast! Top it with a little butter substitute or some thinly-sliced bananas, or just dip it in your tea! Whole grain toast is a good choice because it’s loaded with fiber, which will make you feel full until lunch. It’s also good because it’s warm and hearty!

10. Low-fat milk

We women need calcium and vitamin D, and milk has both! But whole milk is very fattening, so opt for low-fat milk at breakfast. Pour a little over your whole-grain cereal, oatmeal, or granola, or have an 8-ounce glass with your toast. Your bones will thank you!

Combine three of these into one tasty little breakfast, and you’ll feel fuller, longer, and you won’t be consuming empty calories, either! You’ll actually lose weight! Try some whole-grain cereal, a banana, and some low-fat milk… or go for the berries, toast, and yogurt… which of these combos would be your favorite? Or is there another weight-loss breakfast food you know of?